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Quest Guide: From 1 to 49

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Quest Guide: From 1 to 49 Empty Quest Guide: From 1 to 49

Post by OldStyle Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:58 am

hi guys,
the following guide is taken from www.kalhq.com , authors: Synn

Task quest #1, No Levl Req

Town: Narutooh
1. Talk to Sailor, Gwang-Chun
2. Find Item: Messgae, drop from Demon SpearHead and return to Gwang-Chun
Reward: 50exp

Task quest #2, No Level Req.

Town: Narutooh
1. Talk to Chief guard, Sea-Geun
2. Find Item: Message, drop from Demon SpearHead and return to Sea-Guen
Reward: 50exp

Task quest #3, No Level Req.

Town: Narutooh
1. Talk to Chief guard, Mak-AnSsoo
2. Find Item: Demon Strategic Map, drop from Demon SpearHead and return to Mak-AnSoo
3. Go to Jook-Suh Cargo Station and talk to Sae-Won
Reward: 200geon, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #4, Level Req 6

Town: Narutooh
1. Talk to Farmer, Ji-Hun, then talk to Joo Jimin
2. Find Item: 10 Bows, drop from Demon Escort Archers and return to Joo Jimin.
3. Talk to Ji-Hun once more
Reward: 542exp, 1 Contribution point

Task quest #5, Level Req 8

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to Farmer, Nu-Woong, then go to Geun-Oh Mines and Talk to Gwee Sik.
2. Find Item: 10 Suicide Bomber Oil, drop from Suicide Bomber and return to Gwee Sik.
3. Go back to Nu-Woong lastly.
Reward: 1157exp, 1 Contribution point

Task quest #6, Level Req 10

Town: Narutooh
1. Talk to Famer, Ha-Jik, then go to Jook-Suh Cargo Station and talk to Nu-Woong.
2. Return to Narutooh and talk to Ha-Jik again, then talk to Gwang-Chun.
3. Find Item: 15 Big-Handed Inhabitants Teeth, drop from themselves and return to Gwang-Chun
4. Find Item: 5 Rice Sacks, drop from Demon Carcass Scavengers and return them to Farmer Ha-jik
Reward: 2250exp, 1 Contribution point

Task quest #7, Level Req 11

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to Guard, Won-Jung, then go to Narutooh and talk to Yae-Jin
2. Find Item: 10 Milk Vetch & 10 White peony, drop from Big Handed Slaves and return to Yae-Jin
3. Lasty return and talk to Guard Won-Jung
Reward: 2500exp, 1 Skill Point. or 2722exp, 1000 geons

Task quest #8, Level Req 12

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to General, Sae-Won
2. Find Item: 25 Demon Scavenger's Bodies, drop from Demon Carcass Scavenger & return to Sae-Won.
Reward: 2600exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #9, Level Req 13

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to Chief Guard, Guh-Sosun, then go to Narutooh and talk to Yae-jin
2. Find Item: 12 White Poeny & 12 Milk Vetch, drop from Big Handed Slaves and return to Yae-Jin
3. Lastly return to Guh-Sosun
Reward: 2722exp, 1000 geons

Task quest #10, Level Req 14

Town: Geun-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Joo-Nong, then go to Cargo Station and talk to Ok-Jin
2. Find Item: 20 Demon Soldier's Teeth, drop from Demon Soldiers, return to Ok-Jin
3. Lastly go back and talk to Joo-Nong.
Reward: 3534exp, 1 contribution point

Task quest #11, Level Req 15

Town: Geun-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Gwee-Sik, and go to Narutooh and talk to Ha-Jik
2. Find Item: 12 Rice Cakes, drop from Big handed Blue Warriors and return them to Ha-Jik
3. Lastly go back and talk to Gwee Sik
Reward: 600geon, 4000exp, 1 skill point

Task quest #12, Level Req 16

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to Storage Keeper, Wa-Ryu
2. Find Item: 1 Wa-Ryu's Talisman, drop from Big-Handed Red Warriors and return to Wa-Ryu.
Reward: 600geon, 4000exp, 1 skill point

Task quest #13, Level Req 17

Town: Narutooh
1. Talk to Yae-Jin, then go to Geun-Oh Mine and talk to Joo-Nong
2. Find Item: 30 Gold, drop from Demon Infantry and return to Joo-Nong
3. Lastly go back and talk to Yae-Jin
Reward: 4800exp, 1 skill point

Task quest #14, Level Req 18

Town: Geun-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Guard YangDo.
2. Find Item: 30 Bamboo Poles, drop from Demon Throwing Soldiers and return to YangDo
3. Go to cargo Station and talk to Ok-Jin, and return to Yangdo again.
Reward: 4800exp, 1 Skill Point

Task quest #15, Level Req 19

Town: Geun-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Gwee-Sik, go over and talk to Joo-Nong.
2. Find Item: 30 Statues, drop from Wild Demon Soldier and return and talk to them both
Reward: 5600exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #16, Level Req 20

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to Ja-Gan
2. Find Item: 30 Gold, drop from Demon Shock Troopers.
3. Go to Geun-Oh Mine and talk to Won-Ga and return and to Ja-Gan.
Reward: 7000exp, 1 skill point

Task quest #17, Level Req 21

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to General, Sae-Won
2. Find Item: 35 Flags, drop from Demon Flag Bearers and return them to Sae-Won
Reward: 8500exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #18, Level Req 23

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to General, Sae-Won
2. Find Item: 35 Heads Of Demon Water Dragon, and return them to Sae-Won
Reward: 10k exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #19, Level Req 25

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to General, Sae-Won
2. Find Item: 40 Drums, drop from Demon Band and rerun them to Sae-Won
Reward: 12k exp, 1 Skill Point

Task quest #20, Level Req 26

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to Chief, Guh Sosun
2. Find Item: 40 Demon Armor, drop from Demon Armored Knight and return them to Guh Sosun
Reward: 14500exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #21, Level Req 27

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to Won Jun
2. Find Item: 40 Blood Stained Clothes, drop from Hungry Demon Water Dragon and return them to Won Jun
Reward: 16300exp, 1 Skill Point, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #22. Level Req 28

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Station
1. Talk to Chief, Guh Sosun
2. Find Item: 40 Demon Water Dragon Skin, drop from Demon Water Dragon Predator, and return them to Guh Sosun
Reward: 19000exp, 1 Contribution and 1 Skill Point

Task quest #23, Level Req 29

Town: Jook-Suh Cargo Town
1. Talk to General, Sae-Won
2. Find Item: 40 Demon Mad Knight's Head and return them to Sae-Won
Reward: 22000exp, 1 Contribution Point and 1 Skill Point

Task quest #24, Level Req 30

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Mother Moon Hee, and take the Southwest Gate, search and talk to NPC Ghost Moon Hee
2. Find Item: 1 Moon Hee's Doll, drop from Castoff Baby Ghost, and return it to Ghost Moon Hee
Reward: 29000exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #25, Level Req 31

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Fort Guard, Heung-Pae
2. Find Item: Tooth Of Wolf Necklace, drop from Ghost Of Young Man, and return it to Heung-pae
Reward: 35000exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #26, Level Req 32

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Chief Guard, Duk-Yoon
2. Find Item: 10 Ghost Beads, drop from Ghost Of Young Woman and return it to Mother Moon Hee, then to the Chief Duk-Yoon
Reward: 42000exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #27, Level Req 33

Town: Geun-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Guard, YangDo
2. Find Item: Secret Message, drop from Demon Commander and return it to YangDo
Reward: 47000exp, 1 Skill Point

Task quest #28, Level Req 34

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Fort Guard, Soo-Go
2. Find Item: 10 Blacksmith Beads, drop from Ghost oF Blacksmith and return it to Soo-Go
Reward: 62000exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest #29. Level Req 35

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Dan-Bok
2. Find Item: 10 Ghost Guard Beads, drop from Ghost Of Ghost Guard, and return it to Dan-Bok
Reward: 76000exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest 30, Level Req 36

Town: Geun-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Gwee-Sik
2. Find Item: 1 Skin of Demon Dragon Commander, drop from Demon Dragon Commander itself and return it to Gwee-Skik
Reward: 78000exp, 1 Skill Point

Task quest 31, Level Req 37

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Fort Guard, Ga-Gi
2. Find Item: 10 Fellow Traveller Beads, drop from Ghost Of Fellow Traveller, and return it to Ga-Gi
Reward: 80000exp, 1 Contribution Points

Task quest 32. Level Req 38

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Fort Guard, Soo-Sung
2. Find Item: 10 Sealed Troop Beads, drop from Ghost of Sealed Troop and return them to Soo-Sung.
Reward: 90000exp, 1 Skill Point

Task quest 33, level Req 39

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Soldier, Yoo-Sang
2. Find Item: 10 bows, drop from Devil Soldier With Bow, and return them to Yoo-Sang
Reward: 100k exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest 34, Level Req 40

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Soldier, Lim-Gang
2. Find Item: 10 Spears, drop from Devil Soldier With Spear, and return them to Lim-Gang
Reward: 110k exp, 1 Contribtion Point

Task quest 35, Level Req 41

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to To-Woo, then go inside Forsaken Forest, search and talk to Hyun-Woong
2. Find Item: Devils Head, drop from Enemy Of Hyun-Woong [Replica of Devil Soldier With Twin Blade] and return it to To-Woo
Reward: 110825exp

Task quest 36, Level Req 41

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Ghost Hunter, Number.8 Woo-Joong< Refer to map
2. Find Item: 100 Mask of Pain, drop from Devil Troop Of Pain, and return them to the Ghost Hunter.
Reward: 194790exp

Task quest 37, Level Req 42

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Red Flag Leader, Gee-Gung, go, to Narutooh and talk to Ha Woogo. then visit Geum-Oh Mine and talk to Ma-Yong, return back to Temp Fort and talk to Gee-Gung.< Maybe You need to go back and talk to Ma-Yong to start the Hunt~
2. Find Item: Devil's Head of the following 5 assasins, Heuk-Yong, Dae-IIi, Yoo, Ma-Gwang and Soon Wa-Ji [Replicas of Devil Soldier with Twin Blades]
Note*- Names of the Assasins may not be correct, but they look like Twin Blades but with a Name, its not hard to recognise them.
3. Return with the 5 different Heads and Talk to either Gee-Gung or Ma-Yong 1st, << Done it too long ago so I cant remember clearly, do a little Trial & Error and you get the reward~
Reward: 139000exp?? << again no1 had regale me with this 1 but it doesnt matter alot too.

Task quest 38, Level Req 42

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Ghost Hunter, Number.9 Jwa-II
2. Find Item: 100 Masks of Greed, drop from Devil Troop Of Greed, and return them to the Ghost Hunter.
Reward: 234514exp

Task quest 39, Level Req 43

Location: Forsaken Forest
1. Talk to Seoung-Gil, go to Temp Fort and talk to Mak-Gil, and go back to Seoung-Gil again
2. Find Item: 1 Secret letter & HeadSkin of Yong-Chun, drop from Assasin who killed Yong-Chun, return talk to Seoung-Gil followed by Mak-Gil.
Reward: 169395exp

Task quest 40, Level Req 43

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Ghost Hunter, Number.10 Geun-Pyung
2. Find Item: 100 Masks of Jealousy/Envy, drop from Devil Troop Of Jealousy, and return them to the Ghost Hunter.
Reward: 282326exp

Task quest 41, Level Req 44

Location: Geum-Ohee Castle
1. Talk to Hak-Gu < refer to map
2. Find Item: 1 Rope, drop from Devil Troop Of Hatred, and return it to Hak-Gu
Reward: 203850exp

Task quest 42, Level Req 44

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Ghost Hunter, Number.11 Dan-Joong
2. Find Item: 100 Masks of Hatred, drop from Devil Troop Of Hatred, and return them to the Ghost Hunter.
Reward: 245225exp

Task quest 43, Level Req 45

Location: Forsaken Forest
1. Talk to Doggebi who wants to be Friend with Humans.
2. Find Item: 1 Broken Doll of Doggebi, drop from Devil Troop Of Anger, and return it to the Doggebi.
3. Go to Temp Fort and talk to Doll Maker, and return to the Doggebi~
Reward: 245225exp

Task quest 44, Level Req 45

Town: Temp Fort
1. Talk to Ghost Hunter, Number .12 Choi Choong
2. Find Item: 100 Masks of Madness, drop from Devil Troop Of Madness, and return them to the Ghost Hunter.
Reward: 408708exp

Task quest 45, Level Req 46

Location: Area between Narutooh, Cargo Station & Geum-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Limper < Refer to Map
2. Find Item: 1 Broomstick & 5 blood of Big-Handed Inhabitant, drop from Doggebi Of Monster Face, return them to Limper.
Reward: 491510exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest 46, Level Req 47

Location: Area between Narutooh, Cargo Station & Geum-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Blind Man.
2. Find Item: 1 Broomstick & 5 blood of Big-Handed Inhabitant, drop from Doggebi with Gong, return them to Blind man.
Reward: 590926exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest 47, Level Req 48

Location: Area between Narutooh, Cargo Station & Geum-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Coward.
2. Find Item: 1 Broomstick & 5 blood of Big-Handed Inhabitant, drop from Drunken Doggebi, return them to Coward.
Reward: 710280exp, 1 Contribution Point

Task quest 48, Level Req 49

Location: Area between Narutooh, Cargo Station & Geum-Oh Mine
1. Talk to Hunchback.
2. Find Item: 1 Broomstick & 5 Blood of Big-Handed Inhabitant, drop from Doggebi with Mask of Black Crow, return them to Hunchback
Reward: 853562exp, 1 Contribution Point

Posts : 125
Join date : 2009-06-16
Age : 37
Location : Way 2 Far From The Place I`d Like 2 Be


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